I started working for this project in 2012 as a laboratory technician; I dealt with the reading of the HPV test results and assisted my colleagues during the Pap tests and the staining of the slides for the analyses.
In 2014, with the arrival of the Mobile Unit, known as “Luisa”, and the beginning of the project dedicated to women, I attended a specific training course to become a mammography technician. Since then, I deal with the mammograms on the Mobile Unit and I go everywhere with “her” during her missions on the field.
I love my job, I have learned a lot about the clinical exam of the breast and I even discovered several cases of cancer as I started to interact with the patients. This really allowed me to be more open-minded and to enrich my professional knowledge; for this, I also have to thank our managers: all of them are very open and understanding; they taught all of us to work autonomously, to develop our skills in different areas and to be independent, and to always pay attention to every detail. Our patients should never feel like the lack of certain products affects the quality of our service.
We all have to keep learning
I am very attached to “Luisa”, the mammogram is truly my “baby” and it gives me great pleasure to use it. Even though it can be tiring sometimes, it is so satisfying to hear a woman say: “yes, I want to get a mammogram done, because I care about my health, I still want to care for my husband and children, I don’t want to be a burden for my family. I want to live in peace and not be worried or scared; I want to know more about my health”.
Let me pass on a very important message to my colleagues: all of us should always continue learning, because even though we take care of our patients, and they need us, we can also learn a lot from them. Likewise, we should never stop sharing our knowledge, especially when it comes to teaching the breast self-exam, because that is something that every woman needs to know.
Finally, we should never stop fighting against cancer because, surely, there are many women who have never heard anything about prevention or awareness, and it is our job to take care of them.